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Minotori x Yukiko Watanabe

Resonant Identity: Boundaries Transcended by Music

2025/04/25(Fr.) 19:00 Starting

Tiara Koto Small HallTokyo


The program consists of works by three generations of composers, hailing from different continents. The oldest work is the 1960 "Paper Piece" by Benjamin Patterson, an African-American composer and early member of Fluxus, composed in response to Stcokhausen's "Kontakte (1958-1960). Kontakte (1958-1960) by Stcokhausen.

While the subsequent history of contemporary music, as represented by Kontakte, focused on exploring the possibilities of electronic music and instrumental sound, Benjamin Patterson's perspective differed from that of the mainstream in that he looked at familiar, everyday life itself. In addition to Patterson, the program will feature Five Songs by Eric Oña, an Argentinean who sadly passed away prematurely in 2019, and who has rarely been performed in Japan. Five Songs features poems by Emily Dickinson (1830-86). The fresh sensibility of Emily Dickinson, who left only 10 poems before her death and died in obscurity, is well brought out by Oña's skill and good ear.

 In addition to the above-mentioned generations, the program will also feature works by female composers of the same generation who hail from the Philippines, Russia, and Brazil, as well as by David Reminick, a saxophonist and composer who is a leading figure in the Chicago scene. These pieces share musical commonalities, despite their different nationalities and genders. All of them are personal in concept and thought, and they are expressed through the language of music.

The new piece by Yukiko Watanabe, which will be featured last, will focus on the sound of the female voice as told by a woman.


  • Paper Piece

    Benjamin Patterson

  • Seven Somniloquies for Singing Flutist

    David Reminick

  • Fünf Lieder 1,2,3

    Erik Oña

  • a_priori

    Marina Khorkova

  • d:ua:tad:ua:ta study

    Feliz Anne Reyes Macahis

  • Migration for solo cello

    Michelle Agnes Magalhaes

  • commission premiere

    Yukiko Watanabe


  • Ayako Kosaka


  • Takako Imai


  • Kitajima Aiki



Admission and ticket purchase

  • Admission fee

    all seats occupied (e.g. in a restaurant)

  • How to buy

    Contact / (Secretariat)

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