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  • Kyoto Philharmonic Chamber Ensemble 266th Subscription Concert B

Kyoto Philharmonic Chamber Ensemble 266th Subscription Concert B Unofficial

"Nordic Echoes."

2024/11/06(We.) 18:30 Starting

Annex Hall, The Museum of KyotoKyoto


The 266th Subscription Concert B "Sounds of Northern Europe" by the Kyoto Philharmonic Chamber Ensemble is a program that lets you enjoy the unique atmosphere and melancholy melodies of Northern European composers from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc. You can enjoy attractive performances by a variety of faces, including C. Nielsen's "Kaimen Serenade" and J. Sibelius' String Quartet in D minor "Dear Voice. The program includes C. Nielsen's "Serenade without a Cause" and J. Sibelius' string quartet in D minor, "Dear Voice", etc.
This performance is a replacement for the cancelled and postponed performance on September 1.


  • worthless serenade

    C. Nielsen

  • Transformations Op. 30

    J. Carlstedt

  • String Quartet in D minor, Op. 56 "Dear Voice

    J. Sibelius

Admission and ticket purchase

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