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Ayako Kato Violin Recital 2024

Breathing Form

2024/10/09(We.) 19:00 Starting

MUSICASA MusicaçaTokyo


What is a violinist? Ayako Kato, a performer active in classical, contemporary, and improvised music, will tackle the traditional form of a "recital" and a group of pieces.

The programming will focus on two "forms": traditional Western musical forms such as sonatas and concertos, and the recital, a concert that is familiar to those who perform/appreciate them.
Forms" have been established by traditions and norms, and have been widely shared by society.
The "individual" is the performers who inherit the traditional arts and live in today's society.

We aim to present a performance in which the individual is not forced into the form, but coexists with the form without holding its breath.

J.S.Bach: Sonata for Violin and Harpsichord BWV1015
Akira Nishimura: Sonata for Solo Violin No.3 "Flame Characters
Rei Haichai: New piece (commissioned)
Dutilleux: Violin Concerto "Dreaming Tree

Organizer:Ayako Kato
Grant:Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture Arts Council Tokyo [Start-up Grant]

*2024/08/10 The piano player has been changed.


  • Sonata for Violin and Harpsichord BWV1015

    J.S. Bach

  • Sonata for Unaccompanied Violin No. 3 "Letters of Fire

    Akira Nishimura

  • New composition (commissioned)

    Asuka-periodou era (889.4.27-898.4.26)

  • Violin Concerto "Dreaming Tree



  • Ayako Kato


  • Takuya Otaki


Admission and ticket purchase

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