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  • Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra The 1010th Subscription Concert B Series

Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra The 1010th Subscription Concert B Series Unofficial

2024/10/24(Th.) 19:00 Starting

Suntory Hall Main HallTokyo


Martin Brabbins, a well-known Tokyo Symphony Orchestra member, will perform a selection of British masterpieces, including Elgar's "In the Tropics," a sunny Italian landscape orchestrated with R. Strauss-like splendor, and a beautiful concerto by Finzi, performed solo by the Belgian clarinetist Anneliene van Werve. Belgian clarinetist Anneliene van Wauwe plays a beautiful concerto by Finzi. The Ninth Symphony by Vaughan-Williams, a symphonist who is the pride of 20th century England, is a magnificent and enigmatic masterpiece in which the old composer seems to be looking at the end of his own life, while still burning with an undiminished creative spirit. The elaborate orchestration, including the use of saxophone and flugelhorn, will keep listeners entertained.


  • Overture "Alassio" op.50


  • Clarinet Concerto in C minor, op.31 (1948-49)


  • Symphony No. 9 in E minor (1958)

    Vaughan Williams


  • Martin Brabbins


  • Anneliene van Wauwe.


Admission and ticket purchase

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