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  • Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra SaLaD Premium Concert Akishima

Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra SaLaD Premium Concert Akishima Unofficial

2024/09/27(Fr.) 14:00 Starting

FOSTER Hall (Akishima Civic Hall)Tokyo


The Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Yukio Fujioka, will give a brilliant performance at the Salada Premium Concert. Enjoy works by a variety of composers from Suppe to Sibelius.


  • Overture to the Comedy "The Light Horseman


  • Symphonic Poem "On the Steppes of Central Asia


  • from "Carmen", Suite 1 and 2

    Bizet (Brazilian music company)

  • Symphonic Poem "Finlandia" op.26

    Sibelius (star in the constellation Sibelius)


  • Yukio Fujioka


  • Shiori Kondo


Admission and ticket purchase

  • Admission fee

    Advance registration required (all seats reserved, free admission)
    1,200 people invited by lottery

    Please apply by either "WEB Form" or "Postcard".
    WEB form

    Please fill out the form below.
    1)Please specify the performance you wish to attend (Please specify the name of the performance as "Akishima Performance")
    (2) Name, postal code, address, and telephone number of the representative
    (3) Number of visitors (up to 4 people including the representative)
    (4) Please indicate any other considerations (e.g., number of wheelchair users and whether they can be transferred to the audience seats, number of people who wish to sit in the hearing loop).

    To: "Salada Music Festival Office", Access Progress Inc. 3-15-10 Seta, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-8540, Japan
    *Insufficiently filled out or incompletely addressed forms or duplicate applications will be deemed invalid.

    Application period
    Tuesday, June 18, 2024 - Tuesday, August 20, 2024 (must arrive no later than August 20, 2024)

※This content is based on the information at the time it was posted by the management team of Concert Square. It may differ from the latest official information, so please be sure to check the organizer's web page or official media before you go to the concert.

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