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  • Yuma Inagaki & Noka Mizukami Marimba Duo Recital [Tokyo Performance

Yuma Inagaki & Noka Mizukami Marimba Duo Recital [Tokyo Performance Unofficial

2024/07/12(Fr.) 19:00 Starting

MUSICASA MusicaçaTokyo


A marimba duo recital by Yuma Inagaki and Noka Mizukami. You can enjoy a variety of pieces including the commissioned premiere of Satoshi Tanaka's composition and Robert Honstein's Evergreen.


  • commission premiere

    Satoshi Tanaka

  • commission premiere

    Steve Crino

  • Evergreen

    Robert Honstein


  • Yuma Inagaki

    marimba (musical instrument)

  • Noka Mizuno

    marimba (musical instrument)

Admission and ticket purchase

※This content is based on the information at the time it was posted by the management team of Concert Square. It may differ from the latest official information, so please be sure to check the organizer's web page or official media before you go to the concert.

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