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  • Special concert by the Taleia Quartet in commemoration of its 10th anniversary

Special concert by the Taleia Quartet in commemoration of its 10th anniversary

Summer Festival in Taleia."

2024/08/04(Su.) 14:00 Starting

Toyosu Civic Center HallTokyo


Appearance at the Bordeaux String Quartet Festival 2024!
The Taleia Quartet will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2024, "with the aim of becoming a permanent quartet that will be familiar both at home and abroad for a long time.
The quartet is possessed by the stoicism of the "string quartet", and what they want to express the most now!
The quartet performed at Gotanda in the rain, Bordeaux in full ripeness, and Toyosu in the scorching heat. A "summer festival" of remembrance, dreaming, and liberation will be held.

Message from Taleia Quartet
This is the second concert celebrating the 10th anniversary of the formation of the Quartet. In the first half, we will perform Mozart's Divertimento, which is easy to be familiar with, and Bartók's No. 4, which we have been working intensively on this year. In the second half, we will perform Ravel's string quartet, which we studied a lot while feeling the winds of France after participating in the Bordeaux String Quartet Festival in May. I hope to perform the fruits of my labor.

Mozart: Divertimento in D major, K.136
Bartók: String Quartet No.4, Sz.91
Ravel: String Quartet in F major

Please note that the program and order of the pieces may be subject to change without notice.

Organizer:Taleia Quartet Special Concert Executive Committee DUCK KEN
Supported by: Liszt Center for Hungarian Culture
   Japan Philharmonic Orchestra
   Pacific Philharmonia Tokyo
Sponsors(in alphabetical order)
   Asada Candy Co.
   Ogawa Coffee Co.
   Karaoke & Party PASELA
BIC Japan K.K.
Marusan Eye Inc.
Mannan Life Co.


  • Divertimento in D major, K.136

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

  • String Quartet No. 4, Sz.91

    Bartók Béla.

  • String Quartet in F major

    Maurice Ravel


  • Taleia Quartet

  • Kako Yamada

  • Hiromi Nimura

  • Saya Watanabe

  • Miu Ishizaki


Admission and ticket purchase


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