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  • Osaka Symphony Orchestra 274th Subscription Concert "Music and Dance

Osaka Symphony Orchestra 274th Subscription Concert "Music and Dance Unofficial

2024/09/05(Th.) 19:00 Starting

The Symphony HallOsaka


The third thematic subscription concert by Naofumi Takahashi, Principal Guest Conductor of the Osaka Symphony Orchestra, is a world of music and dance! In addition to Jose Pablo Moncayo's hot Mexican folk dance "Huapango" and the late Yuzo Toyama's "Rhapsody for Orchestra" with its lively Bon dance song "Yagi-bushi", Rachmaninoff's "Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini", which was made into a ballet by the dancer Fokin, will be performed by the 29th The pianism of Yumeika Nakagawa, the winner of the 29th Clara Haskil International Piano Competition (2021), will dance brilliantly. And look forward to a new work by Ryu Yun Tsu and Rinto Ogata, who won first prize at the 12th All Japan Symphonic Band Federation Composition Competition (2019)!


  • Commissioned work for the Osaka Symphony Orchestra

    a dignified person acting as an intermediary between the emperor and the crown prince

  • Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini, Op. 43


  • Romanian Rhapsody No. 1 in A major, Op. 11-1


  • Ballet Suite "The Three-Cornered Hat" Suite 2


  • uapango (Cervus canadensis)

    Jose Pablo Moncayo

  • Rhapsody for orchestra

    Yuzo Toyama


  • Naofumi Takahashi


  • Yubika Nakagawa


Admission and ticket purchase

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