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  • Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, 400th Subscription Concert in Yokohama

Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, 400th Subscription Concert in Yokohama Unofficial

2024/09/21(sa.) 17:00 Starting

Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall Main HallKanagawa


The Japan Philharmonic's Tchaikovsky No. 4 and Brahms with Maestro Opitz
Tchaikovsky No. 4 is a very important work for the Japan Philharmonic, which has given masterful performances with many maestros such as Kenichiro Kobayashi, Alexander Lazarev, and Pietari Inkinen. We are very much looking forward to seeing how young Principal Conductor Karthun Wong will bring new life to this treasure. In the first half, based on Karthun's own strong request, we will invite Gerhard Opitz, a master of contemporary German pianism. Through his deep intellect and experience, he will bring mellowness to Brahms' second concerto, which requires both gravity and softness.


  • Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat major, op.83


  • Symphony No.4 in F minor, op.36



  • Kachun Wong.


  • Gerhard Opitz.


Admission and ticket purchase

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