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Early Lutheran Vicinium Touring the Church Calendar 10

Nativity and Manifestation: Jesus is born and the Savior appears.

2023/12/26(Tu.) 19:20 Starting

La PazOsaka


 Martin Luther, who questioned the state of the medieval Catholic Church, was excommunicated from Catholicism and organized his own congregation,
He was excommunicated from the Catholic Church and formed his own congregation.
 In this concert series, we will perform "Vicinium," a two-voice polyphonic piece used for music education and liturgy in the early Lutheran monasteries in the 16th and 17th centuries, along with the church calendar.
This concert series features "Vicinium," a two-voice polyphonic piece used for music education and liturgy in early Lutheran monasteries in the 16th and 17th centuries, in accordance with the church calendar.

 The 2024 church calendar, beginning with the First Sunday of Advent on December 3, 2023, will also feature the bitinium with selections in accordance with the calendar.
 Each piece is a short piece of vitinium, a concentration of the techniques of Renaissance polyphony, and each concert will feature a dozen or so pieces of vitinium, with a talk on the church calendar and quotations from the Bible.

 The 10th concert, "Nativity and Manifestation: Jesus is born and the Savior appears," will be the second concert in the 2024 church calendar, featuring music related to the Nativity from Christmas Day on December 25 and the Manifestation from January 6, with stories about Christianity and 16th century music. The performance will include stories about Christianity and 16th century music.


The program will feature vitinium (2-voice polyphony) for nativity and manifestation verses written in the 16th and 17th centuries.


  • Takuya Sakamoto

    Baroque violin

  • Mai Nagai

    recorder (e.g. tape recorder, time recorder)

Admission and ticket purchase


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